Code of Conduct
Download the Valencia Parent Player Manual_JUN24 and go to Appendix 1 for the full Code of Conduct. Please sign and date the final page and return to either Hilary Sharman, Keita Wilson on Saturday, September 12 or deliver to the Club’s office.
Download Valencia Parent Player Manual
Players registering for U14 and U16 squads are required to sign the form as well as parents.
Please ensure that you are aware of the content and your child is briefed. It is mandatory for each player to return a signed copy of the Code of Conduct as part of the registration procedure.
Disciplinary Procedures
The Club takes its Code of Conduct (see Appendix 1 in the Valencia Parent Player Manual_JUN24) seriously.
The Incident Book is on field at all times, to record any player misbehaviour or accidents. Incidents will be followed up with the player and parent. The steps will be followed as stated in the Code of Conduct (Appendix 1 in the Valencia Parent Player Manual_JUN24) . However, if behavior is of a serious nature and continues after being reprimanded more than three times, then the Club will ask the player to leave the club. If you wish to report an incident after a training session, you should contact your Group Coach Director or report to the Club Administrator.
Parent Volunteers
The success of our program is dependent upon volunteerism. Below are descriptions of various roles that we are seeking volunteers. This year we are not offering a waiver fee to not volunteer. To make this club work successfully with its 250 players, we need a lot of help. If you are willing to assist please speak with a member of The Club’s Administration Team or email
Team Manager and Assistant Team Manager for each squad
The Team Manager serves as a liaison between his/her squad’s parents and The Club. Team Managers are also liaison between his/her coach and squad. The scope of the Team Manager role includes the following:
- Set-up and maintenance of team email group and cell phone group chat including coach.
- Distribution of BFA Game Schedule and any updates thereof to all members of your squad (this information will be provided to all Managers via the Club Administration.
- Weekly emails providing details of upcoming games, post-game review, focus points, items of concern.
- Communicate to Coaches player availability.
- Organize refreshments roster.
- Maintain First Aid Kit and take to each match.
- Complete BFA Game Sheets and submit to Match Commissioner on game day. In the event of dispute, or altercation a written report must be submitted to The Club Administration within 24 hours. This will allow adequate time for review and further official reporting to the BFA.
- Communicate any concerns parents/players may have to either the Coach or The Club as necessary.
- Ensure that parents/players have received and understand any communication sent by Club Administrators.
Team video recorder for each squad
Ideally The Club would like for each squad to record their games each Saturday. The footage obtained will be useful for evaluation and a teaching tool and also can provide clarity in those instances when there is uncertainty.
Changing room supervisors required for U8 and U10 training sessions
Parent Volunteers are needed to oversee the players of these age divisions from the time school is dismissed until the start of training. See Training Day Protocol (section 7.1 Valencia Parent Player Manual)
Fundraising Committee
This committee in conjunction with The Club will oversee all Fundraising events and initiatives. There is no perfect number to the size of the committee however at least four should form the core.
Oversea Tour Committee
This committee in conjunction with The Club will manage the organizing of all aspects of Overseas Tour(s): coordination with the Fundraising Committee, arrangement and booking of all travel, procurement of travel insurance, all communication with parents/players about travel etc.
Social Events Committee
In conjunction with The Club, will work to bring to fruition our Season Kick Off event (prior to October) and our end of Season Celebration (generally end of March/early April).
Kit distribution Volunteers
These volunteers will be needed at the start of the season to assist with the distribution of player kits to all fully paid players. Kits will be given out on specific dates once we have volunteers for this task.
Administration volunteers
The Club Administrators are looking for assistance to take on ad hoc assignments and specific ongoing tasks during the season.
Tournament Team Managers
This role is similar to the team manager but for a specific tournament.